its been a long time since any 1 call me Woon Rlei... hmm... *weird*... use to only hear it from my secondary times... and not from my frens but my teachers... hehe!!! actually quite miss tat name though... nearly forgot how it sound alr... bet not much ppl know how to prononce it... cos every1 calls me Siew... hehe!!!
Woon = woon
then Rlei = ray...
tats how i got my nick sting ray... hmm...
hmm... old time nicks like = giraffe(cos of the height), sting ray, big show(donno why)... i think there were more... but forgot abt them alr...
history of my name siew= how did i get called siew???
Ans: ppl cudn't prononce my name as Woon Rlei since i was Primary 4, so then they say they just call me Siew... then from tat onwards... it became Siew... haha!!!
OMG... wat a lame entry i just made... anyways... who gives the f**k... nvm... don care...